anonyme Umfrage

Frage in Deutsch Anonyme Umfrage! Frage zum Thema: Pornographie!
Question in English Anonymous survey! Question about: pornography!

43 von/of 95 Fragen beantwortet/questions answered
Frage: Schaust du dir Pornos (Videos, Magazine etc.) allein oder lieber mit der Partnerin / dem Partner an?

Frage in Deutsch Schaust du dir Pornos (Videos, Magazine etc.) allein oder lieber mit der Partnerin / dem Partner an?
Question in English Do you watch porn (videos, magazines, etc.) alone or do you prefer to watch porn with your partner?

Schaust du dir Pornos (Videos, Magazine etc.) allein oder lieber mit der Partnerin / dem Partner an?
Bitte beachten sie, dass die Umfrage nicht Präservativ ist!

English Tea Link zum Text

english tea

The British slang form of tea bagging,or blow job, more acurately it is to suck on one mans testicles.
Janine gives me The best english tea.

english tea

The act of giving a man a handjob with The pinkie finger extended, as though drinking a cup of tea. Alternatively, performing fellatio whilst holding The man's penis in this manner. drinking The results is optional but strongly suggested.
Dude, I walked in on my roommate The oTher day; his girlfriend was giving him The english tea.

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